"Reserve Now"

Dear Client,

In order to reserve or order original Ayurvedic Urea products, please contact authorized resellers directly!

Authorized Resellers Contact Information:
1) Randy Diaz: randydiaz68hhh@yahoo.com
2) Dave I Nash: daveinash@outlook.com
3) Jane Smith: janesmithnycshop@aol.com
4) Albano Lopez: lopezalbano.j32@gmail.com

Refunds and Administrative Processing:
Authorized Resellers may refund you in partial or full at their own discretion. A flat administrative processing fee is charged by warehouse for refunds. A refund cannot be processed without administrative processing fee. Charges as under and it is the responsibility of buyer to pay the charges in full.

1 inch sample or Herb Refund - $850
4 inch Refund - $900
6 inch Refund - $950
8 inch Refund - $1050

Please contact your reseller in case you are looking for a refund.

Best Regards,